Bonsteel, Hayley2019-06-122019-06-122010 city of Corcoran, MN was in the process of completing its 2030 Comprehensive Plan update. The plan called for a more extensive and ambitious park and trail system than that identified in the city’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan and its 2004 Park and Trails Plan. In addition, the city’s existing park dedication ordinance was no longer consistent with the goals and policies of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. A graduate student in landscape architecture researched park dedication ordinances in other communities, and reviewed recent changes in the enabling legislation for park dedications. The student used this research to create this report to the city’s parks committee that proposed updates to Corcoran’s park dedication ordinance to better align the city’s regulatory controls with its comprehensive plan, and with the community’s emerging vision for conservation development approaches.enLand Use PlanningParksTrailsPark DedicationReport