Lewandowski, AnnMoncrief, JohnDrewitz, Matt2009-03-172009-03-172006Lewandowski, A., Moncrief, J., and Drewitz, M. 2006. The Minnesota Phosphorus Index: Assessing Risk of Phosphorus Loss from Cropland. University of Minnesota Extension Service AG-BU-08423.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/4834912 page report, along with a copy of the program and user guide. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.The Minnesota Phosphorus Index (MN P Index) is a model with the primary purpose of estimating P loss risk. The computerized version of the model is available in the zipped folder on this record. The MN P Index is used when a more accurate estimate is needed (e.g., on sites with multiple risk factors), or to estimate P loss risk unrelated to manure applications (e.g., to identify P loss sites within a watershed). The MN P Index helps users identify and refine site-specific methods to reduce P loss by considering the interaction of a wide range of risk factors including landscape characteristics, cropping and tillage practices, and P application methods.en-USphosphorusnutrient managementThe Minnesota Phosphorus Index: Assessing Risk of Phosphorus Loss from CroplandNewsletter or Bulletin