Minitex Bibliographic and Technical Services Unit2013-03-192013-03-192002-10 of contents includes: Netscape 4.x Support to End January 19; Check Your CatME Version; Carla Has Returned; Original Contributions to OCLC WorldCat by Minitex Libraries on the Rise!; OCLC Documentation List Available; Bibliographic Formats and Standards, 3rd edition, Available in HTML Format; Building Multilingual Collections with OCLC Language Sets: Two Options; BUSCA Now an Active OCLC PromptCat Vendor; Delivery Formats for the Serial Union List Offline Products; OCLC Plans More Use of Union List Holdings; WorldCat Detailed Record Screen Improved; Recent Enhancements to WorldCat Library Access Program; Practice WorldCat Database (PWorldCat)Now Includes Enhancements to WorldCat on FirstSearch; Option to Suppress ILL by Document Type in WorldCat in FirstSearch; INSPEC Thesaurus Now Available; New Electronic Collections Online Journals; Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia in World Almanacs Database; Thesaurus Now Available in CINAHL; Impact of the Discontinuation of Academic Pres and Harcourt Health Science Titles; Payment Options for Articles from Infotrieve.enMinitex/OCLC Mailing (October 2002)Newsletter or Bulletin