Markhart, Bud2018-04-122018-04-122007 primary constituency of the Dream of Wild Health is the American Indian community in the Upper Midwest, including both the urban Indian community in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and the reservation communities in the region. Dream of Wild Health had rare heirloom corn seeds that needed propagation. In April of 2006, Dream of Wild Health entrusted Professor Bud Markhart in University of Minnesota's Department of Horticultural Science with nine varieties of indigenous corn seed. In May of 2006 Karin Kettering photographed the supplied seed and sampled a portion of each variety along with a control organic sweet corn from Seed Savers Inc. Many varieties were successfully propagated.enagriculturalagricultureAmerican IndiansCommunity Assistantship Program (CAP)cropshorticultureNative AmericansIndigenous Corn Propagation ProjectReport