Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program2015-06-102015-06-102007https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172586Articles include: Expo shares latest tips, techniques, Roads Scholar grads honored at maintenance expo, Cheri Marti accepts new position with DPS, Anoka County project improves school zone safety, Safe Routes to School program provides funds for locals, Schools important for ‘destination exercise’, Backs get some slack from mini paver, OPERA project: concrete pipe tie bars, Controlling graffiti requires professional intervention, Handling the heartbreak of tree condemnation, ‘Lil Pro’ crack filler ready for use, Gaining support for roundabouts, Researchers aim to better understand rural road safety, Local roads bear brunt of biofuels revolution, Report identifies trends, factors affecting bicycle crash rates, Mn/DOT State Aid Division updates manual, Seal coat, geosynthetics workshops set for fall, LTAP/CTAP to offer new class at fall expoenTransportationMinnesota Local Technical Assistance ProgramLTAP Technology Exchange (Summer 2007, vol. 15, no. 3)Newsletter or Bulletin