Douma, Frank2007-08-082007-08-082004-08-01Mn/DOT 2004-42 project begins investigation into ways Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can be used to serve the transportation needs of non-traditional populations. The report consists of three sections: the first examines recent demographic data to assess the potential demand for new ITS applications, concluding that the nontraditional populations that could most benefit from these applications are senior citizens, immigrant and non-English-speaking populations, and the disabled; the second section presents findings from efforts to collect primary data from these groups in surveys and focus groups; and the third section presents an assessment of community-based transit (CBT), carsharing, telework and telemedicine, and advanced traveler information services (ATIS), which are ITS applications that could benefit these populations. The results of this research show that CBT holds the greatest potential for serving the needs of each of the identified populations, while carsharing also presents significant opportunities for the immigrant populations. In addition, the findings suggest that combining ATIS with CBT or carsharing could create even greater benefits by allowing users to customize ATIS for the modes that serve them most effectively.285Using ITS to Better Serve Diverse Populations