Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program2015-06-102015-06-102011https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172570Articles include: Spring maintenance expo focuses on safety, Minnesota hosts NACE annual conference, Roads Scholars honored at expo, Highway Safety Manual article on LTAP website, Safety resources from the FHWA, Preventing heat illness: OSHA resources, New Steering Committee member, OPERA spotlight: City of Eagan Automated Vehicle Location, Decision-support system optimizes snowplow routes, minimizes costs, OPERA now accepting 2012 funding proposals, Plow cutting edges are topic of new synthesis, Anoka County first to use design-build system for road project, City turns leaf removal into revenue source, Safety Edge reduces road departure crashes, PERA tightens belt, Maintenance is key to strong stormwater systems, ‘SAFL Baffle’ improves sediment control, Safety benefits of roundabouts, Advanced highway design class this fall, Toward Zero Deaths program makes progress, Communications 101: Working with media, Roundabouts seen through the lens of experience, ITS systems for rural roads that actually get drivers’ attention, Building bridges and roads between tribes and transportation agencies, News from our coordinator, Fall maintenance expo: October 5–6, Turfgrass pathology course onlineenTransportationMinnesota Local Technical Assistance ProgramLTAP Technology Exchange (Summer 2011, vol. 19, no. 3)Newsletter or Bulletin