University of Minnesota, Agricultural Extension Service2016-05-252016-05-251951-05-01 Minnesota Feed Service is a new publication of the University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service. It will be published four times a year and will bring to feed, seed and fertilizer dealers and others the latest information on research and other developments in the field.The publication is being started as a result of the recognition that local seed, feed and fertilizer dealers have a decisive influence of the needs of the farmer will enable these dealers to help not only themselves but farmers as well. Much of the initial work and planning of this new service has come as the result of the efforts of the Northwest Retail Feed Association, Inc. and University staff members. This is believed to be its first issue, Mary 1, 1951. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: newsletterMinnesota Feed Service (1951:May 1)Newsletter or Bulletin