Stermer, Brendan2018-04-122018-04-122014 power of any history is its ability to unite a country, social class, organization, etc., behind a shared narrative. The story of Pioneer Public TV, as I have written it, is a testament to the power of small rural communities coming together for a common dream. As Pioneer looks ahead to an uncertain future for public broadcasting, and develops plans for big investments in the station’s Appleton facilities, a compelling narrative detailing the station’s origins and growth will be a useful tool for uniting the staff and viewer base behind shared values and stories. As an intern at Pioneer through the UMM Center for Small Towns, my goal has been to research, preserve, and record the history of the station in a way that can be made easily accessible to the station’s viewer base and will be helpful for the producers of the upcoming documentary in honor of the station’s 50th anniversary. This internship was funded with a grant from the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA). I worked an average of 40 hours per week from May 16 to August 13, under the supervision of Pioneer Communications Coordinator Patrick Moore.enPioneer Public TV Summer Internship ReportReport