CTSCao, Jason2013-06-122013-06-122009-10https://hdl.handle.net/11299/150971This two-page research brief summarizes Understanding Transportation Impacts of Transitways: Demographic and Behavioral Differences between Transitway Riders and Other Transit Riders (CTS 09-16) which examines the profile of transit riders in the Twin Cities and explores the environmental factors influencing mode choice of access to transitways. Researchers compared demographic and behavioral differences in riders of light rail, local buses, express buses, and premium express buses. Light-rail transit balances efficiency and equity by serving both riders who depend on transit and those who use transit by choice.en-USResearch BriefHiawatha light-railTransitway Impacts Research ProgramDemographic and Behavioral Differences between Hiawatha Light-Rail and Other Transit Riders (Research Brief)Report