Zamir, Shah Roshan2020-03-242020-03-242019 by Shah Roshan Zamir, Applied and Computational Mathematics MS Candidate; Tuesday, April 23, 4 - 5pm; Library Rotunda (4th Floor); The event gets underway at 4pm with light refreshments, followed by a 15 - 20-minute talk, and concludes with 15 - 20 minutes of informal discussion. The goal of UMD GRAD Talks is to create an opportunity for interactions among faculty, staff, and graduate students in disparate disciplines that could grow into meaningful new trans-disciplinary collaborations. Presentations in this series are designed to be accessible to a non-specialist audience, and to give students an opportunity to present their work to the broader University community.en-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthGRAD talksThe Graduate SchoolKathryn A. Martin LibraryMaster of Science in Applied and Computational MathematicsMaster of ScienceTwisted mathematics:  How subtle microaggressions in math movies shape our opinion of mathematicians (2019-04-23)Other