Hill, AlexSawyer, ShannonOlson, EricChmielewski, Autumn2017-03-262017-03-262012https://hdl.handle.net/11299/185367A poster and checklist created by students enrolled in ESPM 5606: Pollution Prevention: Principles, Technologies, and Practices, taught by Cindy McComas in fall 2012.This project was completed as part of the 2012-2013 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Minnetonka. Many businesses and industries in Minnetonka use and discharge a significant amount of water and use large amounts of energy as part of their operations. The goal of this project was to develop education and outreach strategies that help businesses address water and energy conservation, as well as surface water protection, through their operations and site management. Minnetonka project lead and natural resources manager Jo Colleran partnered with students in ESPM 5606: Pollution Prevention: Principles, Technologies, and Practices, and a local business called Holaday Circuits, Inc., to develop a case study based on a life cycle analysis of the business’ water and energy use. The students identified conservation strategies that could improve the company’s bottom line, and used the case study to develop a more general checklist for future business energy audits. A poster summarizing the case study and the checklist are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentMinnetonkapollutionMinnetonka Projects, 2012-2013Holaday Circuits, Inc.: Pollution Prevention Measures for Resilient CommunitiesOther