College of Veterinary Medicine2024-06-172024-06-172019-04-17 Contents: "Welcome" by Trevor Ames "What Are Vet Techs Trained To Do?" by Sarah Wagner "Using Veterinary Technicians to Benefit Your Clients and Build Your Practice" by Stephen Roche "Managing Klebsiella mastitis" by Pat Garden "Relationships Between Bedding Bacteria Counts, Bedding Characteristics, and Udder Health" by Sandra Godden "Selective Dry Cow Therapy on US Dairy Farms: Impact on Udder Health and Antimicrobial Use" by Sam Rowe "PCR for Mastitis? What Practitioners Need to Know" by Erin Royster "Is the contemporary Holstein more susceptible to E. coli mastitis than her ancestors?" by Seth Melson "Sampling considerations for conducting large' scale microbial ecology studies of cow udder epithelium." by Chris Dean "Evaluation of the occurrence of hyperketonemia in subsequent lactations in dairy cows" by Zelmar Rodriguez "Public perception of dairy calf welfare in Minnesota" by Rielle Perttu "Factors associated with milk production on free-flow automatic milking system farms in the Upper Midwest" by Mateus Reiter "Facilitation of dairy cattle lameness management advisory groups" by Erin Wynands "Maternal periparturient serum calcium and calf survival, health, and growth outcomes" by Julie Adamchick "Comparative pharmacokinetics of meloxicam between healthy postpartum versus midlactation dairy cows" by Rochelle Warner "Why dairy cows are leaving herds and economic drivers" by Amber Roberts "Application of prudent clinical pharmacology in bovine practice" by Pat Garden, College of Veterinary Medicine "Practical immunology for youngstock, Part I - Development of the neonatal immune system" by Chris Chase "Practical immunology for youngstock, Part II - Building practical calf and heifer vaccination programs" by Chris Chas "eUpdate from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture" by Nikki Neeser, State of Minnesota "Update from the Minnesota Board of Animal Health" by Stacey Schwabenlander, State of Minnesota "BRDC: A review of pathogen and antibiotic susceptibility trends" by Jeremy Schefers, University of Minnesota "Update on Hypocalcemia and methods to reduce its impact in dairy cows" by Jesse Goff "Advances in pain management" by Sarah Wagner "Who moved my cheese? Structural changes in US dairy sector" by Marin Bozic "Keeping it simple: Riverview’s approach to dairy production" by Conrad Spangler "Balancing the implementation of technology to maximize profitability" by Megan Schrupp Panel Discussion with Marin Bozic, Conrad Spangler, Megan SchruppCattleDairyHerd HealthMinnesota Dairy Health ConferenceConference Paper