Arendale, David2020-03-202020-03-202020-03Arendale, D. R. (2020). [Video, 14:23]. 2019 Peer cooperative learning program annotated bibliography overview. video provides an overview of the 2020 Postsecondary Peer Cooperative Learning Program Bibliography. It contains 1,550+ publications and research studies on all the major national and international postsecondary peer assisted learning programs: Emerging Scholars Program, Peer-led Team Learning, Peer Assisted Learning Program, Structured Learning Assistance, Supplemental Instruction/PASS, and Video-based Supplemental Instruction. The website to download the document is practicesDavid Arendalelearning assistancetheorypedagogypeer learningpeer learning groupsgroup tutoringstuldy group programsstudent engagementlearning communities2019 Postsecondary Peer Cooperative Learning Program Bibliography Overview [Video, 14:23]Video or Animation