Duluth Township2017-08-092017-08-092012-01https://hdl.handle.net/11299/189225This document is a pdf report of an opinion poll sent to 919 addresses in Duluth Township, of which 79 responded (10% response rate). The purpose was to enable residents to communicate concerns and suggestions to Township officials. The report abstract states: “Resident feedback in this survey suggests a substantially high level of satisfaction with the Township and its services that is consistent with past survey findings. The relatively low response rate and lack of consensus on concerns also suggests that overall there is no single issue of broad concern or dissatisfaction, other than the costs associated with the sewer district serving shoreland residents. On the added topics, a strong majority favored planning for needed space at the Town Hall, using non-levy capital improvement funds, and buying some additional land should that be needed for this purpose. Nearly all of respondents felt the Community Center/School grounds and building were appealing or satisfactory and few found them unappealing.” No comments or concerns were noted in this social survey about environmental degradation, water quality or pollution.enTaking Stock - Social ConstructsTaking Stock - Attitudes and OpinionsCommunity surveysCommunity developmentSatisfaction surveysDuluth Township Resident Feedback Survey January 2012Other