Moe, Karen2018-04-122018-04-122008 BioBusiness Resource Network is one of three strategic initiatives of the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota (BBAM). The goal is to make doing business in Minnesota a pleasant and rewarding experience. The BioBusiness Resource Network is committed to supporting bioscience companies as they seek to relocate, start-up or expand in Minnesota. The BBAM is conducting a state-wide inventory of bioscience capabilities. There are two phases to the inventory: a high level inventory of bioscience capabilities and an in-depth inventory of local assets using the asset-based community development (ABCD) framework. The goal of the high level inventory is to create a database and visualization tool that will be used to market Minnesota's boscience capabilities. The high level inventory process will yield the data points of companies, academic institutions, and nonprofit or other organizations that either work in or support the bioscience industry. The goal of the ABCD process is to better understand the assets and capacity that exist across the state to support the biosceinces. The report summarizes the student research process and findings.enbiobusinessesbioscienceCommunity Assistantship Program (CAP)Southern MinnesotaBioBusiness Resource NetworkReport