Bremer, ChrisThurlow, MarthaAlbus, Deb2015-08-202015-08-202009-07 report summarizing States' reports on the participation and performance of students with disabilities by (a) submitting annual performance reports (APRs) to the U.S. Department of Education, and (b) publicly reporting state assessment data via their Web sites and other communication avenues. Both APRs and public reports provide important information, although the two may be slightly different in how the data are presented. This report analyzes the public reporting of disaggregated data for students with disabilities. It is the eleventh such report by NCEO, and this analysis, for school year 2006-2007, also marks the fifth data cycle since the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001.enK-12 educationdisabilityeducational accountabilityeducational assessmenteducational accommodationsAchieving Transparency in the Public Reporting of 2006-2007 Assessment Results (NCEO Technical Report)Report