Schupbach, Jeremy2009-05-292009-05-292009-05-15Schupbach, Jeremy. Creating Capacity to Address the Challenges Facing the Next Generation of Nonprofit Leaders. May15 2009. May 29 2009. Hubert H Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. paper in the partial fulfillment of the Master of Public Policy degree requirementThis paper provides a study of the nonprofit sector's need to develop a new generation of leaders who can capitalize on strategic and political opportunities to advance their organizations in a rapidly changing environment. The paper contends that current leaders need to invest in future leaders, as nonprofits must now (more than ever)compete for talented professionals. Nonprofit leaders are also encouraged to understand the political frame, and to develop the strategic and political skills critical to successful leadership.en-USChallengesNonprofit LeadersCreating Capacity to Address the Challenges Facing the Next Generation of Nonprofit LeadersThesis or Dissertation