Ladd, Bethany SAlexander Jr., E. Calvin2017-03-032017-03-032010 Kieffer Valley Creek is a major tributary to the South Branch of the Whitewater River (SBWR), a designated trout stream in Winona County, Minnesota. Documenting groundwater flow paths is essential in such an area because the groundwater can flow rapidly through subsurface karst features. This study poured two types of dye in two different stream sinks, July 9, 2010 to delineate the springshed surrounding the Crystal Springs State Fish Hatchery (CSSFH). A collaborative effort between Brown University and the University of Minnesota. Logistical support from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).GSA 2011 Abstract: TracingDye TraceKarstSpringsSinkholeFluorescentDyeSpringshedSinking StreamPseudokarstMapping Groundwater Flow in Kieffer Valley, Winona County, MNOther