Marsolek, WandaHunt, ShandaFarrell, Shannon L2024-11-202024-11-202024-11 Data Services at the University of Minnesota - located on contemporary, ancestral, and traditional homelands of the Dakota people - oversees the institutional data repository and is the primary resource for educating the entire campus community on good data management and sharing practices. Demand for our services and advocacy have grown over the years. We have been initiating relationships with many units across campus to join our mission in strategic ways to help with sustainability. We want to share more about developing relationships on campus to help build sustainable research data management and sharing communities. Let's talk about partnerships and collaborations that can help get us a seat at all the tables that touch the research lifecycle. It takes time and effort, but we are here for the long game. Our campus partners help form our roots which help our trunk grow (outcomes) and produce leaves (achieving everyone’s goals).Poster created for and presented at the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 23rd Plenary Meeting – hosted at the University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica in November 2024.Reserach Data ServicesCollaborationRelationship buildingPartnershipsRelationship development to build sustainable research data management and sharing on campus.Poster