Data Curation Network2022-07-072022-07-072022 revised version of the Data Curation Network's Governance Model for fiscal year 2022-2023 (July 1-June 30). This version of the DCN's Governance Model amends the description of the Executive Committee and it's roles and responsibilities as a DCN structure; redesigns the role of DCN Director, now that it is a full time position; removes elections as the means of determining committee chairs and Executive Board committee members in favor of seeking volunteers; and removes Beta Membership as an option from our website, but retaining it as an option to consider when recruiting members to provide greater flexibility. The DCN Governance model will be reviewed on no less than an annual basis by the DCN Governance Board to ensure it accurately reflects and represents the culture, practices and needs of the DCN.enAdministrationData Curation Network Governance Model v 2, revised June 2022Administrative Document