Levinson, David M2016-05-112016-05-112006Levinson, David (2006) "Review of Zoned Out: Regulation, Market, and Choice In Transportation and Metropolitan Land-Use by Jonathan Levine" Growth and ChangeVolume 37 Issue 3 Page 492-494 – September 2006https://hdl.handle.net/11299/180155ZONED OUT: REGULATION, MARKET, AND CHOICE IN TRANSPORTATION AND METROPOLITAN LAND-USE. By Jonathan Levine. Resources for the Future, 2006. 223 pp. ISBN 1-933115-15-7. Are the problems of sprawl in metropolitan areas caused by free markets or government policies? Levine argues that density ceilings, by capping the amount of development in a given area, increase the amount of area that is developed, and is a prime, and too often neglected, culprit in the problems associated with sprawl, including congestion, air pollution, and even obesity. In nine chapters Levine takes aim not only at density, but also at the analysis of land use and transportation that has been put forth by the academic community.enReview of Zoned Out: Regulation, Market, and Choice In Transportation and Metropolitan Land-Use by Jonathan LevineArticlehttp://nexus.umn.edu/dx.doi.org/doi:10.1111/j.1468-2257.2006.00333_2.x