2013-05-312013-05-312001-07Nature, society, and thought, Vol. 14, No. 3 (July 2001)0890-6130https://hdl.handle.net/11299/150013ARTICLES: Jürgen Rojahn, A MEGA Update. Pradip Baksi, MEGA IV/3: Marx’s Notes, 1844–1847. Morris Zeitlin, Globalization: Part 1 Its Advocates. Victor G. Devinatz, The Antipolitics and Politics of a New Left Union Caucus: The Workers’ Voice Committee of UAW Local 6, 1970–1975. MARXIST FORUM: Tom Meisenhelder, The Contemporary Significance of Karl Korsch’s Marxism. Robert Steigerwald, The Radical Voluntarism of Karl Korsch. BOOKS AND IDEAS by Herbert Aptheker. BOOK REVIEWS: Stephan Lieske, British Marxist Criticism, edited by Victor N. Paananen. Edward D’Angelo, The Consolation of Ontology, by Egon Bondy. Eric R. Jackson, Black Workers Remember, by Michael K. Honey; The Bridge over the Racial Divide, by William Julius Wilson. Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie, Affirming Action: A Comment on the Work of William Julius Wilson. ABSTRACTS OF ARTICLES (in English and French).enNature, society, and thought: a journal of dialectical and historical materialism, Volume 14, Number 3 (July 2001)NSTNewsletter or Bulletin