Taylor, Brian2015-02-122015-02-122015-02-09https://hdl.handle.net/11299/169845The purpose of Fenerir flight 17 was to put excitations on elevator and aileron to gather response data in order to perform system identification and parameter estimation to support the Performance Adaptive Aeroelastic Wing (PAAW, www.paaw.net) program in designing and flight testing the mAEWing1 vehicle. Takeoff was followed by a straight line run down a good portion of our runway. The flight looked very nice up to the landing; the aircraft bounced after touching down. A bit of damage to the aircraft, but nothing more than usual. We had 5 excitations during the flight, all 3211 inputs, 3 on the elevator and 2 on the aileron. You can find the flight data, and a matlab script to help you sort through it, here. Total flight duration was around 40 seconds and the duration of excitations was around 35 seconds. Flights later in the year should have longer test segments – our takeoff run was shortened due to snow banks on the runway.enFenrirFlight 17UMoreSystem DevelopmentParameter Estimation3211 ExcitationPitch Dampermini MUTTFenrir Flight 17Dataset