Christian, SandraCasco, SergioUniversity of Minnesota Duluth. Royal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International Studies2021-01-132021-01-132020 by - Sandra Christian, Vice President, Senior Division, RiseBoro Community Partnership, New York City and Sergio Casco, Instructor of Psychoanalysis, Universidad ABierta Interamericana; Thursday, November 19, 2020, 12:00 PMChristian and Casco will discuss the friendship they developed when Sandra visited Buenos Aires in 2013. Since then, she has returned to the city and Sergio has visited New York City. They will share images of Buenos Aires and other Argentine regions as well as highlights of their friendship. They will show pictures of their participation at the Buenos Aires Gay Pride March. Casco will also offer some insights into Argentina’s gay rights history.en-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthLecturesRoyal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International StudiesMartha B. Alworth International Brown BagVirtual eventsA Friendship Born in Argentina: New York meets Buenos Aires (2020-11-19)Other