Huang, Shih-HsunYang, Judy Q2021-11-192021-11-192021-11-19 data set includes 6 parts of the data. Three of the data sets contant the the raw data of flow measurements with three different experiment settings: flatbed, dense vegetation and sparse vegetation. One of the data set is the raw data of all dye injection experiments. One of the data set is the flow velocity and turbulent kinetic energy profiles for different setting of vegetation and flow conditions. The final data set is the washout curves got from the dye injection experiments.The dye injection experiments were conducted to investigate the impacts of the vegetation-generated turbulence on hyporheic exchange. The data set includes the results and raw data of solute washout experiments and the flow measurements.CC0 1.0 Universal exchangeHyporheic mixingExperimental data of vegetation-induced hyporheic exchange experiment in Ecoflume of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory on 2021 (29GB)Dataset