Janson, SvanteVegelius, Jan2011-01-242011-01-241978Janson, Svante & Vegelius, Jan. (1978). On the applicability of truncated component analysis based on correlation coefficients for nominal scales. Applied Psychological Measurement, 2, 135-145. doi:10.1177/014662167800200113doi:10.1177/014662167800200113https://hdl.handle.net/11299/99242The possibility of using component analysis for nominal data is discussed. Particularly, two nominal scale correlation coefficients are applicable, namely, Tschuprow’s coefficient and the J index. The reason is that they are E-correlation coefficients; that is, they satisfy the requirements of a scalar product between normalized vectors in a Euclidean space. Some characteristics of these coefficients are described. The contingency coefficient and Cramer’s V are shown not to be applicable in a component analysis. An example of a truncated component analysis on artificial nominal data is included with both the J index and Tschuprow’s coefficient.enOn the applicability of truncated component analysis based on correlation coefficients for nominal scalesArticle