University of Minnesota Duluth. Office of Diversity and Inclusion2020-03-242020-03-242019 November 14, 2019; Kirby Student Center; Free & Open to All! Food provided!The 3rd annual Trans(Gender) Justice Teach-In is a full day event focusing on gender justice while centering trans, nonbinary & intersex knowledge, experiences and liberation hosted by the UMD Office of Diversity & Inclusion's Sexuality and Gender Equity Initiatives. Teach-In Objectives: > To prioritize the knowledge, labour & expertise of trans+, nonbinary & intersex communities > To provide space for discussion, education & expansion of awareness on topics related to gender, trans+ &/or queer experiences > To allow individuals of various skill sets & knowledge bases to engage with each other in meaningful conversation & connection > To challenge cisgender individuals in their privilege & encourage action against anti-trans oppression > To unpack & add complexity to language, theories, ideologies, & concepts related to gender with an emphasis on expanding possibilities for trans+, nonbinary & intersex peopleen-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthOffice of Diversity and InclusionSexuality and Gender Equity InitiativesTeach-insTrans(Gender) Justice Teach-In: Save the Date! (2019-11-14)Other