Gartner, William C.Salk, Raintry2015-03-022015-03-022004 research on visitors to the Lake of the Woods region has revealed some interesting characteristics about who is coming to the area. The Lake of the Woods region is a destination and not a place that visitors stop over in as they pass through. It also has a very high percentage of repeat visitors. Additionally, satisfaction scores for first time visitors is very high. The region also has very good drawing power with approximately 76.5 percent of it tourists originating within a 300 mile radius and 23.5 percent traveling more than 300 miles to enjoy the regions resources. All of these findings indicate that the touristic product(s) found in the Lake of the Woods region are of high quality and this quality must be maintained if the area is to maintain its position as a much desired vacation destination.ennorthwesttourist profilevisitor profileBaudetteRoseauWarroadCustomer profileMinnesotaLake of the WoodsRed river valleyCrookstonThief River FallsEast Grand ForksFishingrepeat visitorswildernesssmall towncultureoutdoor recreationATVhuntingwildlifeStudy of Current Area Visitors: Customer Profiles - Northwest MinnesotaReport