Dahl, Diane L.2010-06-022010-06-022010-04https://hdl.handle.net/11299/90744University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. April 2010. Major: Education, Curriculum and Instruction. Advisor: Dr. Timothy Lensmire. 1 computer file (PDF); iv, 127 pages.This study described the views of nursing faculty related to admitting and educating nursing students with disabilities. Participants consisted of 10 nursing faculty from baccalaureate nursing programs with experience either admitting or educating nursing students with disabilities. Two semi-structured open-ended interviews were conducted, audio-taped, and transcribed for each participant. Young's framework of oppression and Oliver's medical/individual model and social model of disability informed this interpretive study. Findings revealed that a medical/individual model of disability informed nursing faculty's decisions and actions in relation to admitting and educating nursing students with disabilities and that nursing faculty lacked awareness of resulting oppressive behaviors. The findings should encourage nursing faculty to examine their beliefs related to educating nursing students with disabilities and change them if those beliefs endorse or actively support the oppression of students with disabilities.en-USDisabilityIndividual Model of DisabilityNursing studentOppressionSocial Model of DisabilityEducation, Curriculum and InstructionFaculty beliefs related to admitting and educating nursing students with disabilities.Thesis or Dissertation