Breneman, DanBrady, ValerieJohnson, Lucinda B2015-03-162017-04-142015-03-162017-04-142007 macroinvertebrate and habitat sampling evaluations will be conducted at locations chosen to represent the most common instream and riparian conditions. A best effort was made to minimize bias from either direct or indirect landscape alterations when selecting sampling locations. Sampling sites outlined below (see Bl. Study Design) are proposed based on several parameters (e.g., biological, geomorphological, etc.), but logistical considerations including best available access will influence site selection. Sampling protocols will follow standard operating procedures outlined by the NRRI-UMD Microscopy Laboratory standard operating procedures for field collection, laboratory sample processing, and data analysis (NRRI/TR-1999/37). All procedures outlined in the NRRI document are subject to change to respond to MPCA guidance and field conditions.enPoplar RiverCook County, MinnesotaBiological monitoring surveyWater qualityBenthic macroinvertebrate samplingNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthCook County Soil and Water Conservation District Biological Sampling for the Poplar River Quality Assurance Project PlanNatural Resources Research Institute Technical ReportTechnical Report