Shahani, Arushi2013-09-242013-09-242013-05 of Minnesota M.S. thesis. May 2013. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Prof Ned Mohan. 1 computer file (PDF); vii, 39 pages.High frequency AC link three phase AC to three phase adjustable speed and magnitude PWM AC converters with single stage power conversion and bidirectional power flow are important in modern power distribution system and as a compact solution to grid connected adjustable speed drives (traction, wind). Due to the use of high frequency these types of converters achieve high power density. Open loop power factor correction, higher efficiency and reliability are important features of these types of converters. One major problem in this type of converter is the commutation of leakage energy which results in power loss, reduction in switching frequency, distortion and loss of output voltage. The topology based on the indirect modulation of matrix converters uses minimum amount of copper and has relatively less number of semiconductor switches. This thesis presents a lossless source based commutation strategy along with a modulation technique that minimizes the frequency of leakage inductance commutation. It also results in the soft switching of the output converter (Zero current switching: ZCS). The topology along with the proposed control has been analyzed, simulated and verified through experimental results. Simulation and experimental results confirm the operation.en-USIndirect matrix converter based single stage high frequency link PWM AC/AC converter with source based commutation of leakage energyThesis or Dissertation