Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program2024-08-302024-08-302024-09https://hdl.handle.net/11299/265263Articles include: Minnesota Mousetrap awards: Belly plow and belly scratcher; From the director; Roads Scholars: Meet more new grads!; 2024 Roads Scholars to date; OPERA project: Brine Production Improvements; Pam Snopl, founding MnLTAP editor, retires after ‘too many words to count’; Bridge safety inspection evolves to ensure safe bridges for Minnesotans; Idaho ‘Name That Snowplow’ contest recognized by national Mousetrap program; Colorado ‘Thought Spot’ generates solutions; Tool may help agencies identify roadway segments sensitive to chloride deicers; Snowplow routing tools could improve real-time response, service; Sweep up tree litter to reduce stormwater pollution; Entry-level CDL online training resources expanded; When it rains, it often pours: Understanding the impacts on pavement foundations; Pennsylvania study finds high-friction surface treatments reduce crashes; 2024 Training and Demo Day; The ShelfMinnesota Local Technical Assistance ProgramTransportationLTAP Exchange (September 2024, vol. 32, no. 3)Newsletter