Berglund, KiraClausen, BarrettOlson, KodyShebesta, TimothyWagner, Sarah2022-07-212022-07-212022-05 paper for the fulfillment of the Master of Public Policy degree.The purpose of this University of Minnesota capstone report is to identify key actions that the City of Saint Paul can take in the near and long term to implement a public electric vehicle (EV) charging network. Saint Paul municipal leaders have an opportunity to lead as an early adopter in electrifying transportation in the city. Electric vehicles have numerous health and community benefits including improving residents’ health by minimizing tailpipe emissions of harmful particulate matter and reducing greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Recommendations in this report offer short term, medium term, and long term goals that can be implemented from 2022 to 2050. This plan will articulate the team’s vision for the future of vehicular transportation in Saint Paul that is aligned closely with the city’s Climate Action and Resiliency Plan. Local and national trends of electric vehicle ownership are summarized, including case studies of peer cities that have adopted electric vehicle charging plans.enCity of St Paulpublic electric vehiclecommunity healthvehicular transportationpolicy and designmunicipal code requirementsSaint Paul Electric Vehicle Charging Plan RecommendationsThesis or Dissertation