Snyder, HarryUniversity of Minnesota. Chemical Division2017-01-312017-01-311897-09Snyder, Harry. Human food investigations: the gluten of wheat; the digestability and composition of bread; the loss of food value by prolonged fermentation in bread making; the digestability of potatoes, and the loss of food value when potatoes, carrots, and cabbages are boiled in different ways. The rational feeding of men. 1897. Saint Paul, Minn.: University of Minnesota. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 54, page 37-90 archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station: food investigations: the gluten of wheat; the digestability and composition of bread; the loss of food value by prolonged fermentation in bread making; the digestability of potatoes, and the loss of food value when potatoes, carrots, and cabbages are boiled in different ways. The rational feeding of menNewsletter or Bulletin