Manushri Ivaturi2024-05-012024-05-012024 Mentor: Dr. Carrie Booth WallingRecognizing gender-based violence in truth commissions plays a significant role in confronting the injustices of the past. This research explores the puzzle of why some truth commissions more effectively address conflict-related sexual violence than others. The research draws insights by comparing the cases of Colombia and Sierra Leone, where strides have been made in ensuring the documentation of women’s experiences, and contrasting them with less successful examples from Guatemala and South Africa.enTransitional JusticeHuman RightsPolitical ScienceSocial ScienceTruth CommissionsGender-Based ViolenceSexual ViolenceTransitional Justice MechanismsConflict-Related Sexual ViolenceInjusticeUnderstanding the Varying Levels of Effectiveness in Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: A Comparative Analysis of Truth CommissionsPresentation