Taylor, Brian2015-09-082015-09-082012-05-09https://hdl.handle.net/11299/174321The first flight (41) was for System ID with Thor using augmented manual inputs. This flight was used to complement data from the previous deployment with even higher frequency chirps. The chirps went from 0.4 Hz to 15 Hz, with an amplitude taper to avoid the actuator rate limits at high frequency. As in the previous deployment, the pilot was given manual control in the axis of the chirp, and was denied inputs on the remaining surfaces. A baseline controller was used to control the off-axis. The pilot was instructed to obtain a hands-off trim before injecting the automatic chirp signal. Flight 41 was dedicated to chirps of all three surfaces. The input frequency range was .4 to 15 Hz, with amplitudes of 5 deg, with a taper at higher frequency. Thor Flight 41 Rx data: Missing, we forgot to save it before powering down Thor.en-USThor FlightACRCAnokaSystem IdentificationManualThor Flight 41Dataset