Kocot, LarryJesson, LucindaBeutner, BrianHolmgren, DebraKeefer, ScottJacobs, Lawrence2018-03-062018-03-062013-12-03https://hdl.handle.net/11299/194365How well are health insurance exchanges working two months into their launch? How many people have enrolled? Is MNsure succeeding at enrolling eligible and harder to reach populations? In 2004, President Bush and Congress expanded Medicare to cover prescription drugs. The start up of the program was quick and chaotic, leading to dire predictions of it imminent failure and large cost over-runs. There were initial hiccups but the program's operation smoothed out and its costs are coming in less than projected. What are the lessons of the Medicare prescription drug program for the roll-out of Obamacare?enhealth insuranceMNsureObamacareHealth Reform Check-Up: Learning from the Medicare Prescription Drug ProgramAudio