University of Minnesota: Department of Plant Pathology2011-09-222011-09-221973"The Second International Congress of Plant Pathology-1973 represents a unique opportunity for the alumni of the Department of Plant Pathology of the University of Minnesota. It will result in the largest gathering of Ole Timers ever assembled in "the shadow of the Tottering Tower." The Congress issue of AURORA was prepared especially to commemorate this occasion. It includes a thumbnail sketch of the history of the department, a summary of some of our accomplishments during 1972-73 and a statement of our aspirations, a Rogues Gallery of our current faculty and graduate students, a brief biography of each of the past department heads and a list of all graduates with the titles of their theses. We plan to continue using the format of AURORA to keep you informed of comings and goings within the department, the disposition of Ole Timers and also as a means of conveying our plans and dreams for the Department. "This special congress issue of AURORA also will be used as a public relations vehicle as we interact with our colleagues on the campus, and with various private, state, and federal granting, research, and regulatory agencies. In addition, it will be useful in our extension and continuing education programs within the state as we work with various growers' groups and other segments of our clientele. We are pleased to be able to provide you with this special issue and hope you will find it both enjoyable and useable."en-USalumniplant pathologynewsSecond International Congress of Plant PathologyAurora Sporealis 1973 Special Congress EditionNewsletter or Bulletin