Sawyer, Rachel2018-04-122018-04-122010 Assets for Independence in Minnesota (FAIM) is part of a nation-wide initiative to promote IDA, Individual Development Account, programs. FAIM is run by several Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and is available throughout the state. CAAs strive to eliminate poverty through asset building and financial education programs like FAIM by recognizing that most people need more than just cash to become successful homeowners, college students or entrepreneurs. CAAs, such as Community Action Duluth, truly believe that everyone benefits when members of a community have the tools or assets they need to provide for themselves and their families. Funding for the FAIM program is allocated through both state and federal legislation and a variety of private and public funds. This project had three primary components. The first included a review of Community Action Duluth, the FAIM program, IDA research nation-wide, and survey development. The second included database compilation and the surveying process. The third and final phase included the creation of survey reports.enCommunity Assistantship Program (CAP)Family Assets for Independence in MinnesotaReport