Minor, KatieDonahue, NolanMickelson, James2018-11-292018-11-292018https://hdl.handle.net/11299/201201Faculty Advisor: James MickelsonDwarfism in Great Pyrenees is characterized by short, abnormal bones, and has anecdotal associations with deafness. Previous studies have argued for an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. In the search for candidate mutations associated with dwarfism in Great Pyrenees, we collected DNA from 12 dwarf and 17 unaffected Great Pyrenees. A genome-wide association study of the 29 dogs showed a statistically significant correlation between the dwarf phenotype and SNPs on chromosome 33. We narrowed SNPs of interest on chromosome 33 down to a 2.5Mbp region.enIdentifying Possible Causative Mutations of Dwarfism in Great PyreneesPresentation