Mostofi, KeonGoudreault, Charlie2020-01-082020-01-082016 us in the first presentation about hiking the Appalachian Trail! Two UMD grads, Keon Mostofi and Charlie Goudreault, set out the spring of 2015 for the journey of a lifetime: hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. 2,189.2 miles, 14 states and an insane amount of memories. Learn about their planning process, food resupplies and entertaining stories during their 5 month endeavor. Wednesday, January 20, 7-8:30 pm; Cost: Free!; Meet: Bohannon Hall Room 90enPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthAppalachian TrailCharlie & Keon's Excellent Adventure (2016-01-20)Appalachian Trail Maine to GeorgiaOther