Guo, SiluYun, HwanhuiNair, SreejithJalan, BharatMkhoyan, K. Andre2023-08-282023-08-282023-08-28 data (Raw images, electron energy loss spectrum, line scan data)Experimental data for a manuscript "Mending Cracks Atom-by-atom in Rutile TiO2 with Electron Beam Radiolysis". Essential data includes scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) raw images and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) spectrum data. Important atomic line scans data and radiolysis cross section data file are included to support our “two-step rolling” model of mobile octahedral building blocks enabling radiolysis-driven atomic migration.CC0 1.0 Universal data for Mending Cracks Atom-by-atom in Rutile TiO2 with Electron Beam RadiolysisDataset