Migdal, Nathan2023-02-072023-02-072021https://hdl.handle.net/11299/252420University of Minnesota Capstone in partial fulfillment of the MPS in Horticulture. Advisor Jim Luby. Director of Graduate Studies Mary Rogers. Fall 2022. Degree: Master of Professional Studies in Horticulture. 1 digital file (pdf).Converting high-input agricultural land from conventional crop production to prairie vegetation requires careful planning and timely execution. This ongoing research is examining commercial mycorrhizal inoculants used for soil regeneration within a suboptimal restoration area. The primary goal of this study is to quantify plant biological responses to various blends of mycorrhizal fungi applied at specific quantities while seeding plots.enprairierestorationmycorrhizaeMinnesotamycorrhizalnativedryDry Prairie Restoration Using Mycorrhizal InoculantsImage