Branstrator, Donn KBrady, Valerie J2022-07-142022-07-142022-07-14 two Excel files have parallel structure in terms of the labels and organization. Both data set have embedded metadata (first tab). Thereafter, the data are fairly well described. The archival copy is the same data but in .csv formatThe repository contains two Excel data files, one based on samples collected from Island Lake Reservoir (Duluth MN) in 2017 (filename: IslandSpiny2017) and the other collected from Lake Mille Lacs (Garrison MN) in 2018 (filename: MilleLacsSpiny2018). Large portions of the analyzed data were first published in the referenced journal article. This article should be read for an overview of the locations where samples were collected and the nature of the data. Briefly, the data are measurements of the numbers and characteristics of spiny water flea (Bythotrephes) ensnared on various types of angling gear and the numbers and characteristics of spiny water flea collected by net tows at the locations and times that the angling gear types were deployed.CC0 1.0 UniversalBythotrephesBythotrephes lake abundances and gear ensnarement abundances on Island Lake and Lake Mille Lacs, Minnesota, in 2017 and 2018Dataset