Blinick, Naomi SAhrenstorff, Tyler DBethke, Bethany JFleishman, Abram BLink, DenverNelson, Jenna KRRantala, Heidi MRude, Claire LHansen, Gretchen JA2023-02-242023-02-242023-02-24 contain data and code for Bayesian analysis of mercury, littoral reliance, and trophic position of walleye and yellow perch across 12 zebra mussel invaded and 9 uninvaded lakes. Each analysis contains a separate markdown file. Code for establishing isotope correction factors is contained in Correction_Factors_Isotope.rmd. Littoral reliance modeling uses the R package MixSIAR and contains four separate markdown files for each fish grouping (Adult Walleye, Adult Yellow Perch, Age-0 Walleye, Age-0 Yellow Perch). Littoral reliance figures are created in a separate markdown file (Isotope_Figures.rmd) using saved model output. Mercury and Trophic Position analysis use the R package brms to fit Bayesian Hierarchical models and are contained in Mercury_Analysis.rmd and Trophic_Position_Modeling.rmd respectively. Model output is saved for each analysis as an .rds file. Details for each file can be found in readme.txt. was added to the repository 20240813. readmeV2 was updated at the same time to reflect additions. No other folders were touched during this time.This dataset contains δ13C and δ15N stable isotope data for 3,765 biological samples (fish, littoral macroinvertebrates, and zooplankton) collected from 21 lakes between 2019 and 2021, collaboratively by the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. In addition, 403 samples have corresponding mercury data, based on laboratory analyses conducted by USGS (Tate et al. 2022).CC0 1.0 Universal musselmercurywalleyeyellow perchlakeinvasive speciesfood webMinnesotastable isotopeData and R code for analysis of mercury concentration and food web differences in walleye and yellow perch from Minnesota lakes with and without invasive zebra mussels, 2019 - 2021Dataset