Cedarleaf Dahl, Erik2019-06-122019-06-122009https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203600Laketown Township is subject to an orderly annexation agreement that was created in the 1970s. Under this agreement, the township will cease to exist by 2030, and portions of the township will be annexed by the neighboring cities of Chaska, Waconia, and Victoria. The township requested help understanding the fiscal implications of annexation for Laketown over timeďľ—specifically, at what point in the future will annexation of land by neighboring communities mean that the township no longer has sufficient tax base or revenue to fulfill its basic government responsibilities? A graduate student in urban and regional planning analyzed Laketown's budget, calculated tax capacity and the cost of essential township functions and services by geographic area, and used geographic information systems (GIS) analysis to identify the annexation 'tipping point' for Laketown. This information was summarized in this final report for the township that will be used as the basis for future discussions and negotiations with Chaska, Waconia, and Victoria regarding the timing and extent of annexation.enAnnexationCommunity Growth Options (U-CGO)Community Growth Planning Assistance Center (CGPAC)Fiscal AnalysisLand UseLocal GovernmentsPlanningThe Fiscal Impact of Annexation on Laketown TownshipReport