Zumberge, James H.2010-01-292010-01-291952https://hdl.handle.net/11299/57011The most distinctive features of the surface of Minnesota are the thousands of lakes scattered irregularly over the state. Even casual observation reveals the fact that these lakes vary greatly in their character. This means that they have been formed in different ways closely related to the geologic history of the region. There are scattered references to the origin of specific lakes particularly in the Annual Reports and the volumes of the Final Reports of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. There has been, however, a lack of any single systematic treatment of the geologic factors involved in the formation of the lakes. It is evident that such a geologic basis is desirable for all scientific and practical work on the lakes which form such a valuable resource. For this reason Dr. Zumberge was supported in his field work by funds allotted by the University of Minnesota to the Minnesota Geological Survey, a unit in the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts. Appreciation is due Dr. Zumberge for his painstaking work, particularly in revising his doctoral thesis to make it into a bulletin for the Geological Survey series - a task performed without remuneration. The Director also wishes to express his thanks to all who helped Dr. Zumberge in his work.engeologylakesMinnesota Geological Surveysurface waterBulletin No. 35. The Lakes of Minnesota Their Origin and ClassificationMap