Arth, JanetBrooks, KateHaycock, LaurelKelly, Julia A.Kempf, JodyLafferty, MeghanMcKinney, PaulNault, Andre2011-04-042011-04-042011-04-04 late 2008, the Web Services Steering Committee at the University of Minnesota Libraries created the Current Awareness/Personal Information Management (CA/PIM) exploratory subgroup, charged with discovering opportunities and possible solutions in which the University Libraries can help provide researchers with current and useful information in their research areas. In addition, investigate the group was asked to look at opportunities around personal information management, including existing tools (both internal and external), how other libraries are tackling this problem, and possible development and/or partnership opportunities. The group was asked to make recommendations in these two areas. Completed in April 2009, the report is based on a literature survey, results of a survey of faculty, staff, and students at the University of Minnesota, and a scan of the available tool. It spells out guiding principles and recommendations for future action.Report of the Current Awareness/Personal Information Management (CA/PIM) Subgroup of the Web Services Steering CommitteeReport