Farrell, Thomas2018-08-152018-08-152018-08N/Ahttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/199762I proceed in an additive way to connect certain points in Stephen Greenblatt's book The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve with related points in the thought of Walter J. Ong, Bernard Lonergan, and John Courtney Murray. As I proceed, I provide bibliographic references in parenthetical documentation in the text of my essay.My 4,250-word essay surveys selected points in Stephen Greenblatt's 2017 book The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve, on the one hand, and, on the other, related points in Walter J. Ong's thought, along with related points in the thought of Bernard Lonergan and John Courtney Murray.enStephen Greenblatt, Walter J. Ong, Bernard Lonergan, John Courtney Murray, Adam and EveStephen Greenblatt's 2017 Book The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve and Walter J. Ong's ThoughtScholarly Text or Essay